If you have to ask, it’s probably already too late for you. Nevertheless, the process of canonization is a basic part of one of the world’s great religions --we’ll stick to Roman Catholicism here --and everyone ought to know something about it.
Sainthood was a local affair, strictly regulated by bishops, until a thousand years ago, when the Pope began to formalize the process and concentrate the power to create new saints in Rome. Eventually the Church settled on a two-step process. Beatification is the preliminary phase, involving limited veneration. To reach that point a candidate is proposed and then investigated, with a “postulator” assigned to making the case for sainthood and a “devil’s advocate” looking for any negative factors. Once beatified, there must be proof of two miracles associated with the candidate. The Pope makes the final decision.
Still want to try for it? Be good, be very good.
Source: Encyclopedia Britannica