How much do you know about America 's presidents? Here are some fun facts and little-known trivia about some of our most popular government leaders.
Who was our tallest President?
Abe Lincoln was 6 feet, 4 inches!
Which US President studied to be a medical doctor?
William Henry Harrison, the ninth President.
Who was the first President to have a stepmother?
Millard Fillmore, the 13th President
Who was the fist left-handed President?
James Garfield, the 20th President.
Who was the only single President?
James Buchanan, the fifteenth President, has been our only bachelor.
Who was the heaviest president?
William Taft, the 27th President weighed nearly 350 pounds!
Who was the oldest elected president?
Ronald Reagan, the 40th president, was elected at age 69 years old!
Which President announced baseball games for the Chicago Cubs on the radio?
Ronald Reagan, again! He also became a famous actor and was nicknamed "Dutch."
Which presidents were either born or died on the 4th of July?
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826 while Calvin Coolidge was born on July 4, 1872.
Which president was related by either blood or marriage to eleven other presidents?
Franklin D. Roosevelt, our 32nd President, was related by either blood or marriage to these eleven other presidents: John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Ulysses S. Grant, William Henry Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, James Madison, Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, Zachary Taylor, Martin Van Buren, and George Washington!
Which President was the youngest to become President?
Theodore Roosevelt, our 26th President. He was Vice-President, but took over the office when William McKinley was assassinated. Roosevelt was 42 years of age. While Kennedy was the youngest elected president, he was not the youngest to become president.
Who was the only person to become President without having been elected?
Gerald Ford, our 38th President, took over the office of president when Richard Nixon resigned.
Which Presidents are featured on Mount Rushmore?
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln are all featured on Mount Rushmore.
Which President could read Greek, Latin, French and English?
Thomas Jefferson.
Which President was elected by the House of Representatives because neither candidate, (John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson) had enough electoral votes?
John Quincy Adams, the 6th President- he also was known to get up very early each morning to go skinny dipping in the Potomac River!
Which President was the only one to ever kill a man in a duel?
Andrew Jackson.
Which President 's horse liked to much on the White House lawn?
Zachary Taylor 's !
Which President was once arrested because he ran over a woman while driving his horse and buggy?
Franklin Pierce- but the charges were later dropped.
Which President was arrested for speeding while driving his horse and carriage?
Ulysses S. Grant was- he had to pay a fine of $20.00 and then walk back to the White House.
Which President once lost the White House china while gambling?
Warren G. Harding.
Which President 's mother forced him to wear dresses until he was five?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt 's - he was also the only president elected to four terms.
Which President loved the game of golf so much that he built a putting green on the White House lawn?
Dwight David Eisenhower.
Which President 's father gave him $1 million when he turned 21?
John F. Kennedy.
Which President was captain of the baseball team at Yale University?
George Bush.
Which President was known to walk through the White House turning off lights so that he would not waste taxpayer money?
LBJ- he also ran away from home when he was 15 and ended up in California as a grape picker and then auto mechanic!
Here is a chronological list of all our Presidents!
1 Washington, George (1789-1797)
2 Adams, John (1797-1801)
3 Jefferson, Thomas (1801-1809)
4 Madison, James (1809-1817)
5 Monroe, James (1817-1825)
6 Adams, John Quincy (1825-1829)
7 Jackson, Andrew (1829-1837)
8 Van Buren, Martin (1837-1841)
9 Harrison, William Henry (1841)
10 Tyler, John (1841-1845)
11 Polk, James Knox (1845-1849)
12 Taylor, Zachary (1849-1850)
13 Fillmore, Millard (1850-1853)
14 Pierce, Franklin (1853-1857)
15 Buchanan, James (1857-1861)
16 Lincoln, Abraham (1861-1865)
17 Johnson, Andrew (1865-1869)
18 Grant, Ulysses S. (1869-1877)
19 Hayes, Rutherford Birchard (1877-1881)
20 Garfield, James Abram (1881)
21 Arthur, Chester Alan (1881-1885)
22 Cleveland, Grover (1885-1889)
23 Harrison, Benjamin (1889-1893)
24 Cleveland, Grover (1893-1897)
25 McKinley, William (1897-1901)
26 Roosevelt, Theodore (1901-1909)
27 Taft, William Howard (1909-1913)
28 Wilson, Woodrow (1913-1921)
29 Harding, Warren Gamaliel (1921-1923)
30 Coolidge, Calvin (1923-1929)
31 Hoover, Herbert Clark (1929-1933)
32 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1933-1945)
33 Truman, Harry (1945-1953)
34 Eisenhower, Dwight David (1953-1961)
35 Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (1961-1963)
36 Johnson, Lyndon Baines (1963-1969)
37 Nixon, Richard Milhous (1969-1974)
38 Ford, Gerald Rudolph (1974-1977)
39 Carter, James Earl Jr. (1977-1981
40 Reagan, Ronald Wilson (1981-1989)
41 Bush, George Herbert Walker (1989-1993)
42 Clinton, William Jefferson (1993-2001)
43 Bush, George Walker (2001-present)
About The Author
Charlotte Buelow is a contributing writer for Access My Library. Best known for its authoritative reference content as well as its full-text magazine and newspaper articles, AML maintains over 600 databases that are published online, in print, as eBooks and in microform. Visit Access My Library.