Chemists codify heavy metals as any that have an atomic weight five times bigger than that of water. A doctor might use the phrase a little more generally and describes heavy metals as all that are injurious to the human body. Heavy metals are pervasive in the environment. For years we have filled the atmosphere with fertilizers, pesticides, and leaded gasoline, leaving our drinking water, air, and top soil are tainted with heavy metals.
These metals are present in the body in trace amounts. They're required for normal biological function, none the less when acute or protracted exposure occurs harmful levels can develop. The older we are the more chances we've had to be in proximity to these elements and the greater our toxicity levels. Age also slows down our body's natural cleansing methods resulting in heavy metal poisoning.
With effort we can some extent to minimize our exposure to heavy metals, but it is difficult to avoid them completely. The most typical types of heavy metal poisoning result from exposure to lead, arsenic, mercury, aluminum, and cadmium. For the older population exposure is mostly an occupational hazard. Jobs in the fields of woodworking, battery manufacture, and agriculture are all at high risk of heavy metal exposure. Children, on the other hand, often are exposed to toxins at home if they swallow lead paint or lead paint dust.
Signs of Heavy Metal Poisoning. are often unspecific and are likely to worsen over time. They so closely resemble the signs of other common chronic diseases that doctors fail to test for heavy metal toxicity. The strongest indication of this type of poisoning is a history of past exposure, but lacking this your physician might waste precious time treating for the wrong illnesses. Symptoms of heavy metal poisoning can include lack of coordination, brain fog, or memory loss. Occasionally behavioral changes are evident. A patient may be depressed, aggressive, or irritable. The immune system can be impaired the result being a higher incidence of viruses or colds and in extreme cases an autoimmune disorder may be triggered. Finally, there could be more occurrences of gastrointestinal problems and food allergies. If you are stricken with a number of these symptoms with no definitive cause you might want a heavy metal toxicity test.
Heavy metal toxicity left untreated can lead to other debilitating illnesses such as liver disease, diabetes, or chronic fatigue. It's in your best interests to avoid being exposed whenever possible. Sometimes the only treatment necessary is to find out where exposure occurs and change your habits. Learn more about heavy metal toxicity at Heavy Metal Poisoning.