Use these Bible Trivia questions and answers to promote discussion in your next Bible Study Class. Bible Trivia is a great way to encourage Bible study, reading, and research. Make it a group effort and see how many correct answers the group can get collectively?
Q1: What two animals carried the Ark of the Covenant to Bethshemeth in Israel? Answer: from the King James Bible 1 Samuel 6:7-9 Two cows, “milch kine” the term meaning milking cows carried the Ark of the Covenant to Bethshemeth in Israel.
Q2: What was Jesus doing when the Holy Spirit descended upon him? Answer: From the King James Bible, Luke 3:21-22 Jesus was being baptized in the river Jordon as the Holy Spirit descended upon him.
Q3: Abel was the first man in the bible to die. Who killed him? Answer: from the King James Bible, Genesis 4:8-11 Abel was killed by his brother Cain.
Q4: What is the name of the female ruler who carried great gifts to Jerusalem by camel for Solomon? Answer: from the King James Bible 1 Kings 10:1-2 The Queen of Sheba took great gifts to Solomon by camel.
Q5: Who became a pillar of salt? Answer: from the King James Bible, Genesis 19:23-26 The wife of Lot was turned into a pillar of salt.
Q6: What was the name of the city that was destroyed by fire from heaven? Answer: from the King James Bible, Genesis 19:24-25 Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by fire from heaven.
Q7: What happened when the fourth angel poured the fourth vial of the wrath of God upon the sun? Answer: from the King James Bible, Revelation 16:8-9 The angel was given the power to scorch men with fire from the sun after pouring the fourth vial of the wrath of God upon the sun.
Q8: Who told Mary to name her son Jesus? Answer: from the King James Bible, Luke 1:26-31 The Angel Gabriel instructed Mary to name her son Jesus.
Q9: Who prayed for wisdom instead of wealth? What did God reward him with? Answer: from the King James Bible, 1 Kings 3:9-13 Solomon prayed for wisdom and God gave him wisdom, honor, and wealth.
Q10: What did God create on the 4th day of creation? Answer: from the King James Bible, Genesis 1:14-19 On the 4th day of creation God created the sun, the moon, and the stars.