Below are ten Puritan Facts (with links to additional information) that will help you to understand the Puritans and Puritanism, while also helping to lead you to greater practical and theological (doctrinal) sanctification, as they lead to the best Puritan books, MP3s and videos on the Puritans that are available today.
Puritan Fact #1: The Puritans were the greatest biblical theologians since the days of the Apostles.
Puritan Fact #2: "They (the Puritans - ed.) marry doctrine and practice. The Puritans did this by addressing the mind, confronting the conscience, and wooing the heart." - "Meet The Puritans: With a Guide to Modern Reprints" (2006), pages xx-xxi, written by Dr. Joel Beeke and Randal Pederson.
Puritan Fact #3: The Puritans lived their theology faithfully, suffering great persecution (including torture), and even painful martyrdom, to remain faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ according to the truth He has revealed in the Bible.
Puritan Fact #4: Puritans were instrumental in framing and adopting the Solemn League and Covenant, the greatest biblical covenant since the days of the Apostles - though some "Puritans" later defected from this faithful covenant and became covenant-breakers (e.g. Oliver Cromwell).
Puritan Fact #5: The Scottish Covenanters were considered Puritans in their time. "Samuel Rutherford preaching in Scotland, probably in the 1630s, says, 'Many are ashamed to own Christ, and to profess him, they will not be called Puritans.'" (cited in "Meet the Puritans" by Dr. Joel Beeke, p. 646, where Beeke is citing "The Puritan Hope" by Iain Murray, pp. xxiv-xxv).
Puritan Fact #6: The Puritans were the most faithful men at the famous Westminster Assembly and produced, in the Westminster Standards (the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Westminster Shorter Catechism, the Westminster Larger Catechism, etc.), the most biblical theological confessional standards the world has ever known.
Puritan Fact #7: John Owen, Thomas Watson, Thomas Brooks, Samuel Rutherford and George Gillespie wrote some of the most useful Puritan Books.
Puritan Fact #8: Puritan books are almost always superior to all other kinds of Christian books. Still Waters Revival Books makes many free Puritan books available online, as well as free Puritan sermons and free Puritan audio book MP3s. Also see the free Puritan Worship series of 57 MP3s by the modern-day Puritan preacher Greg Price.
Puritan Fact #9: Reformation Heritage Books, Solid Ground Christian Books, The Banner of Truth Trust, and Still Waters Revival Books, among others, are leading publishers reprinting Puritan books in our day.
Puritan Fact #10: The Puritan Hard Drive contains over 12,500 of the best Puritan books, MP3s and videos (by classic and contemporary Puritans) which have ever been gathered on to one expandable and portable media device.
"Do you like to read the Puritans? I love reading them and cannot express enough how important it is to read some of the great works of these most noble divines. It is not just an exercise in reading, but an adventure in practical and theological piety that procures as a result. How excellent is it to read the best writers on a given subject. The Puritans were no doubt the best. Between the Reformers and the Puritans, nothing even comes close to true Christian piety outside of the Bible. All the major revivals were executed by God under the guise of the same Puritan theological stance, and the same Reformed theology as what you will find in the pages of these books. Drink deep for the well is almost inexhaustible in our day. How wonderful it is that God had providentially seen the reprinting of many of these great classic works and tomes of learning. Come, let us sit together at the feet of the Puritans that we may see Christ better and more intimately in the Scriptures." - Dr. C. Matthew McMahon, Puritan Books: Take and Read Book Reviews (from A Puritan's Mind Web site).
For information about the Puritans, including free and discounted Puritan books, Puritan MP3s, Puritan digital downloads, and Puritan videos, as well as the Puritan Hard Drive, please visit Still Waters Revival Books at