Unique Trivia and Tantalising Thailand

The 'Land of Smiles' is truly as exotic and different as anything I could ever imagine, not least the immaculate attention to hygiene and cleanliness exhibited by even the most humble of roadside eateries. As I sat eating in a Vietnamese Restaurant located adjacent to the Mekong River in the village of Non Khai, north-east Thailand I watched restaurant staff preparing vegetables, fish and meat for cooking fresh in the restaurant kitchens. Each and every one of the staff had a face mask covering nose and mouth and every person's hair was caught up in an all-encompassing net hat.

I found similar standards wherever I went, whether I was eating in Bangkok, Non Khai, Ban Phue or Udon Thani. The visitor to Thailand need not worry too much about 'Bangkok Belly' or 'Thailand Trots'. I am not saying it won't happen because you can pick up a tummy bug anywhere. No matter how tumble-down or basic the eatery, you can safely ignore your surroundings and tuck into the food in Thailand.

Watch out for Motor Cycles
When it comes to Thailand and tourism there are lots of little quirks that make this country unique. If you come from the UK, or countries that drive on the left, then relax: in Thailand vehicles are driven on the left as well. However, be careful of motorbikes: they are akin to mosquitoes - you just don't see them coming and they dive in from everywhere! The majority of Thais ride their motorbikes without crash helmets, although they can, and often do, get fined if caught.

As a tourist, driving in Thailand just be wary in order to avoid them. Now, when you come to a red traffic light, if you are turning left, you ignore the red light. Obviously, you need to watch for traffic turning into the street you want to go along, but you really can turn left, despite the red traffic light. Driving in Bangkok can be quite hair-raising but, once you leave the city behind, the main roads are excellent, generally dual-carriageways often with minimal traffic.

Thailand Temperature
Temperatures can probably be described as hot, getting hotter, wet and hot, and hot again. During the monsoons the deluge has to be seen to be believed but, if you can imagine it, the rain comes down hot so flip-flops work well, even in the wet. The hottest time of the year is April just prior to the beginning of the monsoon. The heat can be unbearable but, just when you think you can't stand it anymore, you have the Songkhran festival to help you cool off!

Thai New Year: Songkhran
This is when you get wet: you can't avoid it unless you lock yourself away. Certainly, April is the right time for getting soaked but when you get iced water thrown at you in volume - frequently - it can get a bit wearing!

Songkhran is officially celebrated from 13th to 15th April although some villages manage to drag out the festivities for as long as a fortnight. Commercialism, of course, rears its lucrative head, selling water bazookas and plastic backpacks that children can fill with water.

Specialist shops sell ready-produced ice cubes in large sacks and there are 'water stations' where 4 x 4 trucks can re-fill their 40 gallon drums of water in order to continue the next onslaught of water fights. There is much goodwill and great fun and, overall both adults and children enjoy a chance to let off steam and cool off at the same time.

Loy Krathong
This 700 year old festival originated as a Brahmin celebration that became dedicated to Buddha, realised in releasing little baskets made from banana leaves that are beautifully decorated. Young Thai girls can be seen dressed in traditional Thai costume, lending a stunningly beautiful aura to this decorous event. Those little lanterns, called kom loys, are lit and released to float gently upwards on the breeze accompanied by the fizzing, popping and cracking of innumerable fireworks.

Thailand and tourism is practically synonymous with festivals and, depending where you go in Thailand, you can practically catch a different festival every month of the year. This is especially the case if you move around the country, as each area is quite distinct from another as well as the different temples generating their own individual round of thanksgiving and celebrations. Clearly, the Thai people have plenty to smile about in this lovely land of smiles.
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