Things You Need To Know About 2014 Samsung Galaxy S5

The much anticipated Samsung flagship, the Samsung Galaxy S5 unveiled. It was announced at the 2014 Mobile World Congress that take place at Fira Gran Via in Barcelona, Spain. Here are the things you need to know if you are considering to get this Smartphone.


It looks like its predecessor, the Samsung Galaxy S4. A little bit bigger because the handset has 5-inch super AMOLED touchscreen display with 1920 x 1080 pixel display. The Samsung Galaxy S5 constructed almost entirely out of plastic. Dustproof - it should survive the dustiest conditions - and water resistant. The back of Galaxy S5 benefits from matt design with dotted texture that helps with grip.


The processor of Samsung Galaxy S5 is listed as a 2.5GHz quad-core Qualcomm Krait at 2GB of RAM. Internal storage is standard 16/32GB. Samsung Galaxy S5 can support 128GB microSD. Android 4.4.2 KitKat comes pre-installed so you can rest easy knowing you are about as up to date as you can get in the world of Google's world-conquering mobile operating system. New features of Android 4.4.2 KitKat include the ability to launch a Google search using only your voice, faster multi-tasking, simpler interface and improvements to how your contacts are prioritized, to name a few.


The Galaxy S5 looks to takes thing a step further with the introduction of a 16MP sensor and Selective Focus, a feature which allows you to adjust the focus of a shot after the image has been taken just like you can do aboard Nokia's new Lumia handsets and the famed Lytro camera. Samsung has also improved the auto-focus speed, too - you now only have to wait 0.3 seconds - meaning rapid capture is on the cards.


Like the iPhone 5s, the Samsung Galaxy S5 also features a fingerprint scanner. Biometrics are going to be big in 2014 and from the looks of things Apple and Samsung are, once again, going to be leading the charge. Unlike Apple's TouchID, however, Samsung's fingerprint scanner will be open for mobile payments (via PayPal) from the get-go, as well as providing a quick and easy way to safely and securely unlock the handset.


A price is yet to be disclosed. Expect it to be around the 600 pounds mark if previous releases are anything to go by. The Samsung Galaxy S5 will be available 'through Samsung's retail channels' from April. Vodafone, Everything Everywhere, Phones 4u, Three and the Carphone Warehouse have all confirmed they will stock the Samsung Galaxy S5 in the UK.

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