Myths and Facts About Acne

Skin conditions can be broadly divided into chronic and active. Chronic skin problems include eczema, psoriasis, acne, and Rosacea, while sunburn, blisters, and bruises are thought of as active or everyday skin problems. One thing that's common for all skin problems is that there's a lot of misinformation or myths surrounding them. In this article, we will take a look at some of the most common myths associated with acne and provide you the facts about it. But before we do that, let's get a primer on acne.

What is Acne?
Medically known as Acne Vulgaris, acne is a skin condition that involves oil glands of the hair follicles. It starts when secretions from the skin's oil glands block the openings for hair follicles. These blocked pores later develop into deeper lumps or pimples.

Acne commonly starts during puberty, but around 20% of cases also occur in adults. Although it affects both the sexes, teenage boys tend to have more acne than teenage girls.

Causes of Acne
The exact cause of acne has not yet been fully understood, but it is widely believed that hormones and bacteria have a part to play in its development. Although stress has been found to aggravate acne, there's no direct evidence relating it to acne. Thankfully, today there are a number of affordable acne treatment options available to people.

Acne Myths & Facts

Myth: Tanning helps in treating acne.
Fact: Tanning doesn't treat acne, it merely masks it. But it doesn't mean that you start spending too much time in the sun in a bid to treat your acne. Sunrays can make the skin dry and aggravate the condition. There's also the risk of premature ageing and skin cancer, so whenever you step out in the sun, ensure you are protected with a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15.

Myth: Washing your face frequently prevents acne
Fact: Poor hygiene can play a part in aggravating acne, but it isn't the only reason for causing acne. Many people falsely believe that if they remove dirt from their face, they will never get acne. But as we mentioned earlier, acne is also caused due to hormones and bacteria, therefore, merely washing your face frequently doesn't guarantee that you won't get acne. Also, washing your face too many times can dry out your skin and promote oil production, which can worsen the condition.

Myth: Eating chocolates causes acne
Fact: There has been no concrete scientific evidence linking chocolates to acne. In fact, research conducted by US University of Pennsylvania and the US Naval Academy has confirmed that eating chocolates doesn't have any effect on acne.

Myth: Squeezing pimples helps in a quicker recovery
Fact: It might be very tempting for you to squeeze a pimple to make it unnoticeable, but doing this will hurt you in the long run. By squeezing pimples and blemishes, you push the dead skin and bacteria further into the skin which results in scars and other marks.

Myth: Acne doesn't need to be treated as it goes away on its own
Fact: Acne might be a cosmetic program, but it can have a deep impact on how people think about themselves. As acne usually occurs during puberty, the issues of self-esteem and confidence can be impacted severely. Therefore, it is important to seek acne treatment immediately.

If you have acne, instead of giving into myths, you should visit a qualified dermatologist or skin clinic and have your condition assessed. There are a number of treatment options that can help you treat and manage acne.

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