That the Pope is pop everybody knows, but Benedict XVI carries some very curious facts - some even funny - that hardly anyone knows. We list here some of the most curious things about the Pope and the seven years he remained in office.
1 - He has six email addresses. They all start with the name "Benedict".
2 - He is the first pope to have an iPad.
3 - It is also the first Pope to have account on social networks. He opened his space on Twitter last year, along with several versions for different languages, including Portuguese.
4 - He spent his adolescence in Traunstein, Germany, when he was called to 16 years to the service of combat aircraft at the end of World War II.
5 - Rumors say he is passionate Fanta soda (the flavor was popular in Nazi Germany because of the difficulty of importing WWII). Moreover, its juice is also preferred flavor of orange. His favorite dish is a traditional recipe from Bavaria and leads made from potato ravioli with pancake strips.
6 - In 1969, he was vice president of the University of Regensburg, where they lectured on dogmatic theology.
7 - He loves music and still cultivates the habit of playing the piano every day.
8 - His favorite composers are Mozart and Beethoven.
9 - He walks through the gardens of the Vatican every day just to 4pm.
10 - The Pope is also nerd! With over 20,000 books in his personal library, Benedict also speaks 10 languages, including Latin.
11 - He is passionate about cats. He always fed stray cats that were around his building in Rome, but one of its sorrows is that pets are not allowed in the Apostolic Palace, the papal residence.
12 - This love for cats makes one of the best selling souvenirs to tourists currently in Rome is a fun cardinal's hat for cats. The average price is $ 15 (about £ 30).
13 - It is very discreet and well known for spending more time at home, and avoid the most external events.
14 - Shortly before becoming pope, Benedict XVI lived in an apartment owned by the Vatican. He quit for a walk often, stopping at bookstores to buy books or take cafes, as an ordinary person.
15 - The Pope has even saved some stuffed animals sewn by his mother when he was a child.
1 - He has six email addresses. They all start with the name "Benedict".
2 - He is the first pope to have an iPad.
3 - It is also the first Pope to have account on social networks. He opened his space on Twitter last year, along with several versions for different languages, including Portuguese.
4 - He spent his adolescence in Traunstein, Germany, when he was called to 16 years to the service of combat aircraft at the end of World War II.
5 - Rumors say he is passionate Fanta soda (the flavor was popular in Nazi Germany because of the difficulty of importing WWII). Moreover, its juice is also preferred flavor of orange. His favorite dish is a traditional recipe from Bavaria and leads made from potato ravioli with pancake strips.
6 - In 1969, he was vice president of the University of Regensburg, where they lectured on dogmatic theology.
7 - He loves music and still cultivates the habit of playing the piano every day.
8 - His favorite composers are Mozart and Beethoven.
9 - He walks through the gardens of the Vatican every day just to 4pm.
10 - The Pope is also nerd! With over 20,000 books in his personal library, Benedict also speaks 10 languages, including Latin.
11 - He is passionate about cats. He always fed stray cats that were around his building in Rome, but one of its sorrows is that pets are not allowed in the Apostolic Palace, the papal residence.
12 - This love for cats makes one of the best selling souvenirs to tourists currently in Rome is a fun cardinal's hat for cats. The average price is $ 15 (about £ 30).
13 - It is very discreet and well known for spending more time at home, and avoid the most external events.
14 - Shortly before becoming pope, Benedict XVI lived in an apartment owned by the Vatican. He quit for a walk often, stopping at bookstores to buy books or take cafes, as an ordinary person.
15 - The Pope has even saved some stuffed animals sewn by his mother when he was a child.